CAN'T WIN !! !! We Will

This is a dark picture of one of my paitings. I tried to lighten it, but it did't work. I gave up; can't win.
In hindsight this was very symbolic.
The paiting is of the sacred Heart Church in Porirua, NZ. After a storm some of trees were blown down, but a little light was visible behind the church. Indeed, inspite of the darkness of our church, there is hope.
We the church have Christ who is the Light of the world. So we will win.
The following story illustrates that hope. The title is
Not long ago I read in the London Tablet a story by Fr David O’Leary called,
"Priest can’t win"
"If a priest preaches over ten minutes, he is long-winded; if his homily is short, he didn’t prepare it. If he visits his parishioners, he is a nuisance; if he doesn’t, he is a selfish snob.
If he says something new, he is a dangerous radical; if he doesn’t, he is a stuck-in the-mud conservative. If he’s away working, he is in Scotland playing golf.
If he allows sinners to communion, he’s disobeying church teaching; if he stops them, he’s disobeying Jesus’ teaching. If he’s preaching with passion, he’s an actor. If he doesn’t, he is a bore.
If he wants to re-order the church, he’s upsetting people; if he doesn’t, he’s not moving with the times. If he dies, there was nobody like him, and there will never be anybody like him again." End quote.
I now add a bit of my own.
"Parents can’t win".
If a catholic father wants to kick a son out of the family because he married a Protestant, he follows the church’s rule; if he doesn’t, he is not giving a good example to the rest of the family. If a mother gives a nasty child a hiding, she breaks the state’s law; if she doesn’t, she spoils the child.
If the parents send their kids to a posh school, they make the neighbours jealous; if not they ignore the kids potential.
"Others can’t win"
If a nurse gets too emotional with the dying patient, she is not professional; if not, she is not compassionate. If a doctor does an abortion on a pregnant girl, he loses the trust of her parents; if not, he is not helpful to the girl. If a caregiver of handicap person helps that person as far as possible, he might overstep boundaries; if he doesn’t, he is not charitable.
"Jesus can’t win."
If he had not healed the blind man, the man would still be begging; but Jesus did, so he broke the law of the Sabbath.
If Jesus had not appeared first to Mary Magdalene, she would still be crying; but he did, so the men were jealous and did not believe her.
If Jesus had not gone to Jerusalem, he would have not followed his mission; but He did, so he died a criminal’s death.
So pity the poor priest; pity the poor parents; pity the poor others; pity the poor Jesus.
But the parishioners are remarkably understanding and forgiving.
Most families are living in harmony and peace.
Hospitals are operating with genuine care and healing.
Jesus is always compassionate. He is always winning
So wait; this not all. In the end we have to trust the other and accept their intentions, even when we not fully appreciate them. Jesus told his followers to wait with the weeding, until harvest time. Then the good results will be noticeable. Through his cross and resurrection we are set free. We’ll win in him.
Who said, we can’t win? Always look on the positive side; accept people as they are. Don’t judge or you will be judged. Don’t hide behind the safe wall of officialdom, while your brother is suffering. Carry each other cross. Let us be good shepherds to the weak and the poor, our brothers and sisters.
Mother Theresa said," Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need. Be happy now and if you show through your actions that you love others, including those who are poorer than you, you’ll give them happiness too. It doesn’t take much—it can be just giving a smile. The world would be a better place if everyone smiled more. So smile, be cheerful, be joyous that God loves you."
Jesus said, "What you do to least of mine said Jesus, you do to me."
We will win, because Jesus is a tower of strength !! !!
9 / 11 2006
John Heijnen