
restart 18.6.06

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Waveart 2

Porirua Lagoon is a walkers' paradise


When I started my new style of painting I used a wave motion which I kept going in all the subsequent works. The one above I called "JADE" and it seems to be the last of this series.
I hope you enjoy them and discover the spirituality that inspired me to paint in this way.

Easter is the feast of New Life, Vita Nova,
and of Light, the Risen Christ.

May we all experience some of that New Life,
and so become lights for all to see.


Gethsemane, the garden on mount Olives, is the place where Jesus went to with his followers after he had his last supper with them. "Sit here while I pray"he told them. A little farther on he threw himself on the ground and prayed, "My Father, take this cup of suffering away from me.
Yet not what I want, but what you want" (Mk 14:35,36)

During the time of Lent we are reminded of the great mystery of our Redemption.
Through his cross and resurrection he has set us free.

Viewing the universe I am less than a pixel,
but in the sight of the maker of the universe
I am precious and have life from the One who
said," I AM WHO I AM". (Exodus 3.14)

Labyrinth NZ

On pilgrimage walking the Labyrinth to LIFE


Life is a gift. Be grateful to the Giver of Life

There are times when life is under attack.
But where there is faith, the message of hope appears.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Waveart 1


First snow

Light as a sign of LIFE

Waverley 3

While on the journey to New Plymouth, Rotorua and Napier I discovered that I developed a new painting style. Slowly I became aware that this style could be an unique way of expressing myself. After some more experimenting with flowing lines, using all kinds of colours in between the lines, and stylising the object of my painting, I was surprised with the result of my imagination.
Home again from my journey I finished four more paintings in the new style. Two of them I already showed in the previous posting. I felt very comfortable with this new style of painting.
Judge for yourself, and if possible let me know how you feel.

Anyway. I hope you enjoy my new style, called

