DREAM 2076

Dream 2076
I was walking along a highway and at one stage a group of young people walked along beside me. I asked them which college they went to. But they answered that they were not allowed to say that. It was rather private. When we reached a city they boarded a navy ship. After that strange happening I found my self in a factory where the manager showed some complicated machines. When I asked him to give me something to eat because I was hungry he gave me something that looked a banana or a sausage. Someone said that he was not allowed to do that. It got stranger when I saw some men across the road. They spoke the dialect of my Dutch hometown. Once inside their house I asked them who they were. The answer was: " priests, but underground.” Looking around I saw a calender with the year 2076. I was really surprised and said,” I am a bit behind time, but how is the Catholic Church now?” Very softly one of them said,” Rather underground and hidden”. “ What happened to the Vatican? “GONE” was the answer!
End of my dream 22.04.2009. I am waiting for an interpretation.
After writing the above I sat down and took a book written by our Founder Fr. 'Alzon, called “Day by Day” and I read the 22.04 meditation, The Cradle of Faith:
It is up to us never loose heart. If they suppress our educational establishments, if they prevent us from teaching in the open, let us go and teach underground, in the cellars and catacombs. “ The Word of God cannot be held captive”( II Tim 2:9)….In the catacombs it’s very dark, yet see what light issued from such obscurity! Light from the very depth of darkness, truth from all these tombs- from the narrow passageways cluttered with remains of early Christians, especially those under the reign of Emperor Claudius. It is from here, of all places, that Christian feet set out to carry the Good News to the ends of the earth.
(The assumptionists and other orders were during some time of the history of France forced to go underground or to other countries.)
Could this happen in 2076? Never Loose heart!
John Heijnen
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